Pair of glasses with "clarity" in view

A Home That Actually Works For Your Life

If you find New Year’s Resolutions a waste of time, you are not alone. You have all the right intentions, but life gets in the way. Last year I set a resolution to swim everyday…I haven’t been swimming since August.

Creating a plan to buy or sell a home in the new year can feel the same way if you haven’t taken time to find clarity about your intentions and needs.

So, have you gained clarity about what your 2021 will look like and how that will affect your next home choice? If the answer is ‘no’, now is the time to find it.

Why is clarity important in real estate?
Clarity helps you find focus and direction. If you’ve ever felt lost or directionless in life, you probably know how hard it can be to make progress on anything. When you have clarity around your goals and priorities, it’s easier to move towards what you want out of life. This includes what you want out of your next home.

So how do you get clarity?
First, you should put aside time to focus and ensure you’ve created a clutter free space to do it in. Second, you need to identify what truly matters; what lifestyle do you wish to have and focus on how you want to feel about your home. This may seem overwhelming, so I’ve created a Clarity Worksheet you can download that will help you make sure your home purchase aligns with your ideal life. I’ve also created a rating worksheet to help you narrow in on what is most important to you; please reach out if you’d like a copy of it.

Although our 2021 economy may seem unclear, knowing what is predicted will also help with your clarity and decision making. Forecasts from the Mortgage Bankers Association, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and predict an average 30-year interest rate of anywhere from 2.9% to 3.4% throughout the year. These are extremely low, historically speaking. We will likely see the lowest rates at the start of the year, before COVID-19 vaccines are widely available. They’ll then increase — at least slightly — in the back half of 2021.

No matter what 2021 brings, having clarity and knowing what you want is imperative. I look forward to hearing from you you next year (I’ve always enjoyed saying “see you next year” when next year is one week away, lol).


PS: Not sure if you’re quite ready to move to your next home just yet? No problem. The sooner you start learning the ins and outs of this process, the better. Click here to book a real estate possibility call with me today.

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