
How to Spot a Top Real Estate Agent

A good agent is genuinely interested in YOU

You are more than just a dollar sign to a good agent. He or she knows that a house is not simply your property but the place where you will spend a substantial portion of your life. Selling a home is like letting go of a cherished friend, and the good agent respects this relationship by getting to know you in a way that will ensure your next home is the perfect addition to your family. A great agent has clients that still contact her years after a sale is made or a home has been sold. Yours should too.A good agent comes prepared with a list of lenders and contacts

A good agent has taken the time to develop solid relationships with lenders and other individuals relative to the sale or purchase of your home and has no problem providing you with those contacts. A great agent is on their lists as well.

A good agent knows to bring treats to an open house

Nothing says, “Welcome Home,” like the smell of freshly baked cookies or the first bite of the perfect chocolate cupcake, and a good agent brings them to every open house. A great agent brings treats and invites your neighbors. The best bring treats and let potential buyers know which neighbor is the hot guy who answers the door in his underwear.

A good agent lives where you live

A good agent can tell you where all the hottest restaurants, trendiest clubs and coolest events are in your new area because they live there as well. When looking for an agent, find one who knows the area and is an expert on where you’d like to live. Of course, the greatest agents will let you know where all the best parking is.

The best agent will tell you the truth

Yes, we know you love grandma’s chicken print wallpaper and your avocado refrigerator is very kitsch, but nostalgia does not equal sales and the good agents know this. The best are not afraid to tell you the truth about your home, even if it means losing you as client. So when your agent suggests you mow your lawn, it’s always a good idea to listen.


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